Monday, December 5, 2011

Italy economy

The Prime Minister of Italy, Mario Monti, has said on Monday (5) to the Italian parliament that his cabinet approved the plan on Sunday (4) and aims to bring the country out of crisis. Monti will make the defense of the austerity measures included in the plan and reinforce the message he gave to disclose the measures. "If you do not approve, Italy will collapse like Greece."

Of the 30 billion euros in the approved package, 20 billion euros will be used as a structural measure to stimulate the economy between 2012 and 2013 and 10 billion will be put back into the economy through measures to promote growth, including cuts in labor costs and incentives to integrate more women and young people in the labor market.

The plan was presented one day before the meeting to be held between the leaders of France and Germany to close an agreement to increase financial integration in the euro area, which will be presented at a European summit on Friday (9). At the meeting this Sunday, Monti reiterated on the severity of the crisis and that Italy will make a "multitude of sacrifices" to solve the problem. According to the prime minister, Italy's problems are mainly the public deficit of 1.9 billion euros and marked by decades of political short-termism in the period preceding the adoption of the euro

My opinion about the story:
I think that Europe it is in a very complicate moment with their economy, and at the same time they have the example with what happened with Greece and they want to make sure that that does not happen with them, so at this moment they are probably taken the most extremely decisions to make sure that the same do not happen with them. But I think the others European’s countries should be alert because anything that   Italy do will influence in their own economy.

Monday, November 28, 2011

The difficulties of the global economy.

The global economic recovery is loosing speed, leaving the euro zone attached with a mild recession and the United State in the risk of following in this path, said the OECD on this Monday,cutting forecast strongly.
The threat of further deterioration if the body will get the euro zone does not deal with its debt crisis and U.S. lawmakers fail on getting an agreement to reduce cost, to the OECD warned.
In the absence of decisive action by leaders of the euro zone, the European Central Bank (ECB) alone has the power to contain the crisis of the block, said the agency, based in Paris.
In the United States, however, the Federal Reserve has little ammunition available.
While the strong growth in emerging economies provides some momentum, the fall in global trade should reduce production in China, the OECD predicts.
In the semi-annual Economic Outlook document, the agency estimates that the growth of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) will slow to 3.4 percent in 2012, up from 3.8 percent this year.
It is a sharp drop against the previous forecast in May, when the OECD estimated that the world would grow 4.2 percent this year and 4.6 percent in 2012.
Struggling to contain an unprecedented debt crisis, the euro zone has entered into recession and will record a weak growth of just 0.2 percent in 2012, according to the OECD, reducing its forecast before the estimated growth of 2.0 percent given in May.
My opinion about the story:
I already told in this blog about the difficulties that the European nation is passing through right now, and of course when one part of the world have a economic problem that will affect other parts, and that is what is taking place right now.
I really do not care that they take a really drastic decision if that leaves us to a safer zone than the one that the world is locked right now.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Conquering space.

Astronaut Dan Burbank and Russian cosmonauts Anatoly Ivanishin  and Anton Shkaplerov  left before dawn on Monday to the International Space Station (ISS) aboard a Russian Soyuz rocket launched from Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan. The flight marks the resumption of manned missions after accident with a rocket of the type in late August.
Burbank, Shkaplerov Ivanishin and should dock with the ISS on Tuesday and join the American Mike Fossum, Japan's Satoshi Furukawa and Russian Sergei Volkov aboard the station. The three oldest crew will return to Earth in the next day after taking care of the station waiting for the resumption of flights from Russia.
The next day on December 21, the American astronaut Don Pettit, along with Russian Oleg Kononenko and European Andre Kuipers will join the new ISS crew. The six will perform various experiments and also inaugurate a new era of commercial flights to the ISS, since the period they are on board will be conducted the first tests of the Dragon engagement, supply ship developed by SpaceX, and Cygnus capsule, another spacecraft being developed by Orbital Sciences Corporation.

My opinion about the story: I think it is great the way that we are conquering the space and all around. I think that the human race has been developing really well the ways and the techniques to have the control of this kind of stuff. I hope and truly believe that is not going to take us a really long time to us to be able to create and developed our life in another planet.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Euros and Europe

The French Prime Minister, Francois Fillon said on this Monday (7) that a new austerity plan in order to achieve financial balance by 2016, including spending cuts and tax increases.

Among the measures is the anticipation of entry into force of the Reformation. This is the second plan submitted by the country in less than two and a half months - thanks for the worsening of economic forecasts.

French Senate approves pension system reform in the country's GDP growth forecast from France in 2012 yields from 1.75% to 1% France makes strikes and protests against budget cuts in France, protests and prison awaits mark the G20 summit Fillon said that the legal age for retirement will be increased from 60 years to 62 years from 2017 instead of 2018. The prime minister also informed that the salaries of the president and ministers will be frozen.

The goal is to generate more than 65 billion Euros in savings by 2016 as a whole in order to make way for the French targets to reduce the budget deficit to zero. Budgetary savings are planned DE7 billion Euros in 2012 and 11.6 billion Euros in 2013.

My opinion about the story:
I think that probably is very hard for the countries in Europe pass for this situation now, Greece is passing for a really bad time in his economy, and the coin in Greece is the Euro and is the same for all the countries in Europe, when one country is passing between a hard time all of the others European countries will pass too.  I think that is the worst thing in a lot of countries have the same coin, whoever is good in the fact that, for this coin lose value is going to be harder.

Monday, October 31, 2011

7000 million baby was born on Philippines

Danica May Camacho, 2.5 kg, was born this Sunday just before midnight, in the Jose Manila, Philippines, and the baby was chosen by the UN to symbolize the passing of the population to 7000 million.Hospital inMemorialFabella
Danica is the second daughter of Camilla Dalura Florante and Camacho; they were congratulated and presented with a cake by United Nations representatives. beautiful. I cannot believe it's the seven billion inhabitants of the planet," said Camille moved Dalura in the delivery room, occupied by the press. will receive a scholarship, funding and their parents to open a shop generalized.
"It's very
In the hospital also were Lorrize Mae Guevarra 12 years, the child chosen to symbolize the Philippines 6 billion in 1999, when the world reached an important milestone also demographic.The population reached 6 billion in October 1999 and at the time the UN chose Nevica Adnan, a boy born in Sarajevo - Bosnia. This time, the organization chose not to appoint first child, and several countries have sought to claim the event. Telegraph, Enrique Ona, Secretary of Health, said the arrival of baby 7 billion in the Philippines gives the country an opportunity to make an official estimate of the population. The Philippines, with 94.9 million is the 12th most populous country in the world, lying in front of China with 1.35 billion and India with 1.24 billion.
According to the Daily
"The world and its 7000 million inhabitants form a complex set of trends and paradoxes, but population growth is part of the essential truths worldwide," said the representative of the United Nations Fund for Population Activities (UNFPA) in the Philippines Ugochi Daniels.
My opinion about the story:
I think is great the way that people star to recognize how important each person is for this world, but I think celebrate the 7000 million baby is a totally illogical thing, because at the same moment a thousand of babies are being born, and what make this specific Philippines baby the best one to be considerate the 7000 million? I think the UN should be more careful with the choice that they make.  

Monday, October 24, 2011

More than 200 killed by the earthquake in Turkey

There are now over 230 dead and over a 1,300 injured as a result of the strong earthquake recorded on this Sunday, the strongest in the country since 1999, which occurred at 10:41 - local time - and hit the province of Van in eastern Turkey near the border with Iran in the province of Van, Turkey, according to the latest official assessment.
The numbers were released by the Interior Ministry, however, still remain provisional figures. The American Institute of Geophysics says that the death toll could reach one thousand, which is also the prediction made by Turkish seismologists because of the characteristics of dwellings and the violence of the earthquake.
Dozens of buildings collapsed throughout the province in southeast Turkey, especially in the city of ErciÅŸ, the epicenter of the earthquake. Hundreds of people are buried. The rescue teams are trying to find survivors beneath the rubble.
The mobilization of humanitarian aid to the region is hampered by significant damage to the airport to a result of the earthquake of 7.2 degrees in the Richter scale.
The presidents of the European Commission Jose Manuel Barroso and European Council, Herman van Rompuy, sent condolences to the people and authorities of Turkey and NATO has offered help, as well as Israel, despite diplomatic tensions between Tel Aviv and Ankara.
 My opinion about the story:
As we can see Turkey have suffered in this last Sunday a lot of damages because of the earthquake that reached 7.2 in the Richter scale, and this scale goes only to 9.
This was a really a big and strong earthquake and that is nothing else that we can do, obviously Turkey was not ready for a earthquake like this, and because of that she suffered more damages.

Monday, October 17, 2011

More 7 coyotes in this world.

The South Korean scientist Hwang Woo-suk, announced on this Monday (17) that was able to clone eight coyotes. The animals, known as coyotes Americans are at risk of extinction.
Hwang became known in 2005 when he was the center of scientific scandal of falsifying some of the results on obtaining stem cells from cloned human embryos. At the time, former professor of veterinary medicine at the University of Seoul acknowledged the error, was convicted of misuse of public resources and fell into oblivion.
In the current study, the team led by scientist used genetic material from coyotes to fertilize common dogs. The embryos were placed in female dogs that gave birth to baby coyote. Hwang and his team are still working on the cloning of other species of wild canid populations at risk of extinction.
"After six years of innovation, the success rate is now 50%. We want to apply cloning techniques we have learned by working with dogs for animals that are endangered," said South Korean.
The study was sposored by the South Korean province of Gyeonggi.

My opinion about the story:
I think that this research that the scientist Hwang made is absolute awesome, and that with that knowledge he will be able to save a lot of spices in the world.
But is hard to believe in this scientist because of the scandal that he was involve in 2005, of course this scandal ruined his career forever, and now people will always   distrust of his word; and that is totally his fault.
I truly hope that this time hi is telling the truth because this is a huge project that could save a lot of spices and affect directly the world.

Monday, October 10, 2011

The Nobel Prize for economics goes to Thomas Sargent and Christopher Sims

The north Americans researchers Thomas Sargent and Christopher Sims won the Nobel Prize for economics 2011, informed this Monday (10/10) the Royal Academy of Sciences of Sweden; the both won together the $1.49 million prize money for the work they did together.
Thomas Sargent and Christopher Sims are both 68 years old, and made their researches in a independent way during 1970 and 1980.
According with the academy their work is important to help to characterize in economy which are the effects of government policies. However, Sims sad that their research that won the prize do not have any direct solution for the economic situation that is happing in some place in the global economy.
But the methods developed by the both can be used to guide policymakers, said Sims:
"I don't think my research and methods have any simple direct implications for the current situation," he said in a telephone press conference with reporters in Sweden. "They point to ways to try to unravel why our current situation developed, and new research may lead us out of it."
Thomas J. Sargent, born in 1943 in Pasadena, California, is a professor at New York University. Christopher A. Sims was born in 1942 in Washington and is a professor at Princeton University.

My opinion about the story:
This two Americans teacher and researchers must be very intelligent and you can see that they are very humble too, they keeping saying that their research is not a big deal and that will not change anything instantly, however for the Royal Academy of Sciences of Sweden recognized their importance and give them a Nobel Prize this just show how significance probably this research is.
And I think that must be very significance for them too, not just because they are wining a Nobel prize, but also because they are wining together, they are friend a long time, they graduated together and now they are wining the Nobel Prize together. How special is this?

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Steve Jobs made more than 4.5 millions of mentions in the social networks in less than 12 hours.

The death of the co-founder of Apple Steve Jobs, in the last Wednesday night (10/6) made a commotion in the internet users and made 4.5 million mentions, with the exactly mention of “Steve Jobs” in the first 12 hours of the announcement of his death.
In the first minutes after Apple has informed about the death of Steve Jobs, the internet was invaded with thanks from all type of person all over the world. The tag #iSad already passed 62 thousand of mentions and the expressions #iThankYou, #iThankYouSteve,  #ThankYouStev passed 300 thousand post on Twitter.
The Barack Obama announcement also makes a big commotion and attracted a lot of comment on Twitter and obtained more than 10 thousand replies. “He transformed our lives, redefined entire industries, and achieved one of the rarest feats in human history: he changed the way each of us sees the world”.
On Facebook who attract more attention with the comment was Mark Zuckerberg, that reached the amazing number of 289.172 ‘liked’ and it was shared by 21.305 users.  “Steve, thank you for being a mentor and a friend. Thanks for showing that what you build can change the world. I will miss you.”

My opinion about the story.
I think that type of commotion with the death of one of the founder’s of Apple was more than expect. We can actually say that Steve Jobs changed the world and reinvented the way that people think and do their work.  He also have a impact in our childhood when he worked with the Pixar studios changed the film industry forever.We will certainly miss him and all his inventions.  The only thing that we can do now, is exactly what this internet users are doing, find a way to thanks this extraordinary man for all he have done for us

Monday, September 26, 2011

Woman taking place

Finally the door has been opened for the women in Saudi Arabia, the King Abdulla has opened the possibility of a woman participate in the municipal election.
The Saudi Arabia is holding the second municipal election after almost 50 years; the election is going to be held this Thursday (09/27). The changes that the King are going to be effect in the next set of election.
The activist Wajeha Al-Huwaider of the Saudi women's rights said that these changes are “Great news”.
"Women's voices will be heard finally," she said. "Now it's time to remove other barriers like not allowing women to drive cars and not being able to function and live a normal life without a male guardian."
Although the king did not use the word "vote," allowing women to take part in the nomination process would amount to voting within Saudi Arabia's system.
As Wajeha said, the woman’s in Saudi Arabia have almost none rights and your life is all depend in your male guardian, give the right to vote to the woman’s is not just let the woman’s vote is give to them the right to make their own choices, and in one country as Saudi Arabia this mean a lot.
The only thing that we can do now is wait and hope that the king will honor with his world.

My opinion about the story:
This story is interesting because show how the world still have countries with a totally different philosophy than ours.
The Saudi Arabia is a country that privileges the men’s and the man have totally control about the woman, this story is interest because shows how this is changing, and in a country as the United States where happens most of all movement for woman’s right it is at least interesting see how the others countries deal with this problem.
The woman’s in the Saudi Arabia have been taught all their lives to be submit to the men’s and to respect them.
It will be interesting see how they will deal with these new “power” that they are receiving.   

Monday, September 12, 2011

09/11 Memorial.

Was opened on this Monday 09/12 after an exactly ten years and one day a memorial to honor and to make us remember about all the victims of the September 11. The memorial has opened Sunday 09/11 an exactly 10 years that the attack occurred but only for the families victims.
Monica Iken said, "We're so proud of this memorial," She lost her husband Michael in the attacks. "I can go see Michael. He's home."
Iken joined the group September mission and are developing an important role in construct of the site that honors the victims of the September 11. The site is away to the victims’ families talk to their lovely friends and family members that had their life taken away in tragic tragedy.
Iken said she comes to the site to connect with her husband. "Every time I come here, I feel the energy. It's powerful," she said.
The memorial is all make by granite and is like 2 giant pools design by Michael Arad. They are placed where the old twin towers was, there walls are all recovered by 3,000 names, the names of the 11 September victims in all the country.
The pool reflect a light and that light is reproduce to the sky and they appear in the exactly place where the old twin towers where.
It is a beautiful action, and a real way to recovered and honor the people of the September 11, the families now could look to that lights and remember about all the lost people that they loved, but the most important, now they know that this persons not died in vain.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

“Much has happened over the past three months”

Lauren Spiere a 20 years old, sophomore were disappeared in June 3, after leaving a bar in Bloomington, Indiana with a male friend. Cameras saw her walking around the male student`s apartment around 3:00 am.  Here keys were later found in a alley, but she has been never seen again.
Her parents and family after the kidnapping opens a blog called “Find Lauren” where they talk direct with the kidnapper and with Lauren, they also tell what the family haven been faced along these three months that she have been disappeared.
Saturday, September 3, after completed three months since Lauren disappeared her mother posted a beautiful and emotional letter on the blog talking how the family have been dealing with here disappeared.
In the letter Lauren`s mothers shows that she stays strong and that she still have hope to find her daughter, she tells how was the sensation to pack up her daughter`s stuff that were in her room in the Indiana University, because the students returned for the Fall semester, and the felling to know that her daughter won`t be there.  
“Nineteen boxes," she said. "Can you imagine that so much promise would fit into 19 boxes? I won't go into the details of what it was like to pack Lauren's things. I will just tell you it was excruciating. Every moment was excruciating.”
The police have been looking along these moths around the building that Lauren disappeared and looking for evidences that could help find Lauren but the Police have not named any suspects until now.
 My opinion about the story:  I think is beautiful and very brave what Lauren’s family made, a blog so that they can express what they are felling is a great thing, but at the same time I cannot avoid think that this could be dangerous for the own Lauren, because they don’t have Idea who kidnapped their daughter, they don’t even have certain if their daughter were kidnapped, but if their daughter’s kidnapper were some kind of serial killer with mental problems, this Blog could just encourage him to continues with this crazies crimes, and in his mind this blog is kind of a prize showing  the “good work” that he is doing. The family’s victims of any crime should be aware of what kind of information they provide for the media and public access, because this could compromised the police work, give some clues  to the criminal and even encourage him.