Monday, November 7, 2011

Euros and Europe

The French Prime Minister, Francois Fillon said on this Monday (7) that a new austerity plan in order to achieve financial balance by 2016, including spending cuts and tax increases.

Among the measures is the anticipation of entry into force of the Reformation. This is the second plan submitted by the country in less than two and a half months - thanks for the worsening of economic forecasts.

French Senate approves pension system reform in the country's GDP growth forecast from France in 2012 yields from 1.75% to 1% France makes strikes and protests against budget cuts in France, protests and prison awaits mark the G20 summit Fillon said that the legal age for retirement will be increased from 60 years to 62 years from 2017 instead of 2018. The prime minister also informed that the salaries of the president and ministers will be frozen.

The goal is to generate more than 65 billion Euros in savings by 2016 as a whole in order to make way for the French targets to reduce the budget deficit to zero. Budgetary savings are planned DE7 billion Euros in 2012 and 11.6 billion Euros in 2013.

My opinion about the story:
I think that probably is very hard for the countries in Europe pass for this situation now, Greece is passing for a really bad time in his economy, and the coin in Greece is the Euro and is the same for all the countries in Europe, when one country is passing between a hard time all of the others European countries will pass too.  I think that is the worst thing in a lot of countries have the same coin, whoever is good in the fact that, for this coin lose value is going to be harder.

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