Monday, October 10, 2011

The Nobel Prize for economics goes to Thomas Sargent and Christopher Sims

The north Americans researchers Thomas Sargent and Christopher Sims won the Nobel Prize for economics 2011, informed this Monday (10/10) the Royal Academy of Sciences of Sweden; the both won together the $1.49 million prize money for the work they did together.
Thomas Sargent and Christopher Sims are both 68 years old, and made their researches in a independent way during 1970 and 1980.
According with the academy their work is important to help to characterize in economy which are the effects of government policies. However, Sims sad that their research that won the prize do not have any direct solution for the economic situation that is happing in some place in the global economy.
But the methods developed by the both can be used to guide policymakers, said Sims:
"I don't think my research and methods have any simple direct implications for the current situation," he said in a telephone press conference with reporters in Sweden. "They point to ways to try to unravel why our current situation developed, and new research may lead us out of it."
Thomas J. Sargent, born in 1943 in Pasadena, California, is a professor at New York University. Christopher A. Sims was born in 1942 in Washington and is a professor at Princeton University.

My opinion about the story:
This two Americans teacher and researchers must be very intelligent and you can see that they are very humble too, they keeping saying that their research is not a big deal and that will not change anything instantly, however for the Royal Academy of Sciences of Sweden recognized their importance and give them a Nobel Prize this just show how significance probably this research is.
And I think that must be very significance for them too, not just because they are wining a Nobel prize, but also because they are wining together, they are friend a long time, they graduated together and now they are wining the Nobel Prize together. How special is this?

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