Monday, October 24, 2011

More than 200 killed by the earthquake in Turkey

There are now over 230 dead and over a 1,300 injured as a result of the strong earthquake recorded on this Sunday, the strongest in the country since 1999, which occurred at 10:41 - local time - and hit the province of Van in eastern Turkey near the border with Iran in the province of Van, Turkey, according to the latest official assessment.
The numbers were released by the Interior Ministry, however, still remain provisional figures. The American Institute of Geophysics says that the death toll could reach one thousand, which is also the prediction made by Turkish seismologists because of the characteristics of dwellings and the violence of the earthquake.
Dozens of buildings collapsed throughout the province in southeast Turkey, especially in the city of Erciş, the epicenter of the earthquake. Hundreds of people are buried. The rescue teams are trying to find survivors beneath the rubble.
The mobilization of humanitarian aid to the region is hampered by significant damage to the airport to a result of the earthquake of 7.2 degrees in the Richter scale.
The presidents of the European Commission Jose Manuel Barroso and European Council, Herman van Rompuy, sent condolences to the people and authorities of Turkey and NATO has offered help, as well as Israel, despite diplomatic tensions between Tel Aviv and Ankara.
 My opinion about the story:
As we can see Turkey have suffered in this last Sunday a lot of damages because of the earthquake that reached 7.2 in the Richter scale, and this scale goes only to 9.
This was a really a big and strong earthquake and that is nothing else that we can do, obviously Turkey was not ready for a earthquake like this, and because of that she suffered more damages.

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