Monday, October 17, 2011

More 7 coyotes in this world.

The South Korean scientist Hwang Woo-suk, announced on this Monday (17) that was able to clone eight coyotes. The animals, known as coyotes Americans are at risk of extinction.
Hwang became known in 2005 when he was the center of scientific scandal of falsifying some of the results on obtaining stem cells from cloned human embryos. At the time, former professor of veterinary medicine at the University of Seoul acknowledged the error, was convicted of misuse of public resources and fell into oblivion.
In the current study, the team led by scientist used genetic material from coyotes to fertilize common dogs. The embryos were placed in female dogs that gave birth to baby coyote. Hwang and his team are still working on the cloning of other species of wild canid populations at risk of extinction.
"After six years of innovation, the success rate is now 50%. We want to apply cloning techniques we have learned by working with dogs for animals that are endangered," said South Korean.
The study was sposored by the South Korean province of Gyeonggi.

My opinion about the story:
I think that this research that the scientist Hwang made is absolute awesome, and that with that knowledge he will be able to save a lot of spices in the world.
But is hard to believe in this scientist because of the scandal that he was involve in 2005, of course this scandal ruined his career forever, and now people will always   distrust of his word; and that is totally his fault.
I truly hope that this time hi is telling the truth because this is a huge project that could save a lot of spices and affect directly the world.

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