Monday, September 12, 2011

09/11 Memorial.

Was opened on this Monday 09/12 after an exactly ten years and one day a memorial to honor and to make us remember about all the victims of the September 11. The memorial has opened Sunday 09/11 an exactly 10 years that the attack occurred but only for the families victims.
Monica Iken said, "We're so proud of this memorial," She lost her husband Michael in the attacks. "I can go see Michael. He's home."
Iken joined the group September mission and are developing an important role in construct of the site that honors the victims of the September 11. The site is away to the victims’ families talk to their lovely friends and family members that had their life taken away in tragic tragedy.
Iken said she comes to the site to connect with her husband. "Every time I come here, I feel the energy. It's powerful," she said.
The memorial is all make by granite and is like 2 giant pools design by Michael Arad. They are placed where the old twin towers was, there walls are all recovered by 3,000 names, the names of the 11 September victims in all the country.
The pool reflect a light and that light is reproduce to the sky and they appear in the exactly place where the old twin towers where.
It is a beautiful action, and a real way to recovered and honor the people of the September 11, the families now could look to that lights and remember about all the lost people that they loved, but the most important, now they know that this persons not died in vain.

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