Monday, September 26, 2011

Woman taking place

Finally the door has been opened for the women in Saudi Arabia, the King Abdulla has opened the possibility of a woman participate in the municipal election.
The Saudi Arabia is holding the second municipal election after almost 50 years; the election is going to be held this Thursday (09/27). The changes that the King are going to be effect in the next set of election.
The activist Wajeha Al-Huwaider of the Saudi women's rights said that these changes are “Great news”.
"Women's voices will be heard finally," she said. "Now it's time to remove other barriers like not allowing women to drive cars and not being able to function and live a normal life without a male guardian."
Although the king did not use the word "vote," allowing women to take part in the nomination process would amount to voting within Saudi Arabia's system.
As Wajeha said, the woman’s in Saudi Arabia have almost none rights and your life is all depend in your male guardian, give the right to vote to the woman’s is not just let the woman’s vote is give to them the right to make their own choices, and in one country as Saudi Arabia this mean a lot.
The only thing that we can do now is wait and hope that the king will honor with his world.

My opinion about the story:
This story is interesting because show how the world still have countries with a totally different philosophy than ours.
The Saudi Arabia is a country that privileges the men’s and the man have totally control about the woman, this story is interest because shows how this is changing, and in a country as the United States where happens most of all movement for woman’s right it is at least interesting see how the others countries deal with this problem.
The woman’s in the Saudi Arabia have been taught all their lives to be submit to the men’s and to respect them.
It will be interesting see how they will deal with these new “power” that they are receiving.   

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