Monday, October 31, 2011

7000 million baby was born on Philippines

Danica May Camacho, 2.5 kg, was born this Sunday just before midnight, in the Jose Manila, Philippines, and the baby was chosen by the UN to symbolize the passing of the population to 7000 million.Hospital inMemorialFabella
Danica is the second daughter of Camilla Dalura Florante and Camacho; they were congratulated and presented with a cake by United Nations representatives. beautiful. I cannot believe it's the seven billion inhabitants of the planet," said Camille moved Dalura in the delivery room, occupied by the press. will receive a scholarship, funding and their parents to open a shop generalized.
"It's very
In the hospital also were Lorrize Mae Guevarra 12 years, the child chosen to symbolize the Philippines 6 billion in 1999, when the world reached an important milestone also demographic.The population reached 6 billion in October 1999 and at the time the UN chose Nevica Adnan, a boy born in Sarajevo - Bosnia. This time, the organization chose not to appoint first child, and several countries have sought to claim the event. Telegraph, Enrique Ona, Secretary of Health, said the arrival of baby 7 billion in the Philippines gives the country an opportunity to make an official estimate of the population. The Philippines, with 94.9 million is the 12th most populous country in the world, lying in front of China with 1.35 billion and India with 1.24 billion.
According to the Daily
"The world and its 7000 million inhabitants form a complex set of trends and paradoxes, but population growth is part of the essential truths worldwide," said the representative of the United Nations Fund for Population Activities (UNFPA) in the Philippines Ugochi Daniels.
My opinion about the story:
I think is great the way that people star to recognize how important each person is for this world, but I think celebrate the 7000 million baby is a totally illogical thing, because at the same moment a thousand of babies are being born, and what make this specific Philippines baby the best one to be considerate the 7000 million? I think the UN should be more careful with the choice that they make.  

Monday, October 24, 2011

More than 200 killed by the earthquake in Turkey

There are now over 230 dead and over a 1,300 injured as a result of the strong earthquake recorded on this Sunday, the strongest in the country since 1999, which occurred at 10:41 - local time - and hit the province of Van in eastern Turkey near the border with Iran in the province of Van, Turkey, according to the latest official assessment.
The numbers were released by the Interior Ministry, however, still remain provisional figures. The American Institute of Geophysics says that the death toll could reach one thousand, which is also the prediction made by Turkish seismologists because of the characteristics of dwellings and the violence of the earthquake.
Dozens of buildings collapsed throughout the province in southeast Turkey, especially in the city of Erciş, the epicenter of the earthquake. Hundreds of people are buried. The rescue teams are trying to find survivors beneath the rubble.
The mobilization of humanitarian aid to the region is hampered by significant damage to the airport to a result of the earthquake of 7.2 degrees in the Richter scale.
The presidents of the European Commission Jose Manuel Barroso and European Council, Herman van Rompuy, sent condolences to the people and authorities of Turkey and NATO has offered help, as well as Israel, despite diplomatic tensions between Tel Aviv and Ankara.
 My opinion about the story:
As we can see Turkey have suffered in this last Sunday a lot of damages because of the earthquake that reached 7.2 in the Richter scale, and this scale goes only to 9.
This was a really a big and strong earthquake and that is nothing else that we can do, obviously Turkey was not ready for a earthquake like this, and because of that she suffered more damages.

Monday, October 17, 2011

More 7 coyotes in this world.

The South Korean scientist Hwang Woo-suk, announced on this Monday (17) that was able to clone eight coyotes. The animals, known as coyotes Americans are at risk of extinction.
Hwang became known in 2005 when he was the center of scientific scandal of falsifying some of the results on obtaining stem cells from cloned human embryos. At the time, former professor of veterinary medicine at the University of Seoul acknowledged the error, was convicted of misuse of public resources and fell into oblivion.
In the current study, the team led by scientist used genetic material from coyotes to fertilize common dogs. The embryos were placed in female dogs that gave birth to baby coyote. Hwang and his team are still working on the cloning of other species of wild canid populations at risk of extinction.
"After six years of innovation, the success rate is now 50%. We want to apply cloning techniques we have learned by working with dogs for animals that are endangered," said South Korean.
The study was sposored by the South Korean province of Gyeonggi.

My opinion about the story:
I think that this research that the scientist Hwang made is absolute awesome, and that with that knowledge he will be able to save a lot of spices in the world.
But is hard to believe in this scientist because of the scandal that he was involve in 2005, of course this scandal ruined his career forever, and now people will always   distrust of his word; and that is totally his fault.
I truly hope that this time hi is telling the truth because this is a huge project that could save a lot of spices and affect directly the world.

Monday, October 10, 2011

The Nobel Prize for economics goes to Thomas Sargent and Christopher Sims

The north Americans researchers Thomas Sargent and Christopher Sims won the Nobel Prize for economics 2011, informed this Monday (10/10) the Royal Academy of Sciences of Sweden; the both won together the $1.49 million prize money for the work they did together.
Thomas Sargent and Christopher Sims are both 68 years old, and made their researches in a independent way during 1970 and 1980.
According with the academy their work is important to help to characterize in economy which are the effects of government policies. However, Sims sad that their research that won the prize do not have any direct solution for the economic situation that is happing in some place in the global economy.
But the methods developed by the both can be used to guide policymakers, said Sims:
"I don't think my research and methods have any simple direct implications for the current situation," he said in a telephone press conference with reporters in Sweden. "They point to ways to try to unravel why our current situation developed, and new research may lead us out of it."
Thomas J. Sargent, born in 1943 in Pasadena, California, is a professor at New York University. Christopher A. Sims was born in 1942 in Washington and is a professor at Princeton University.

My opinion about the story:
This two Americans teacher and researchers must be very intelligent and you can see that they are very humble too, they keeping saying that their research is not a big deal and that will not change anything instantly, however for the Royal Academy of Sciences of Sweden recognized their importance and give them a Nobel Prize this just show how significance probably this research is.
And I think that must be very significance for them too, not just because they are wining a Nobel prize, but also because they are wining together, they are friend a long time, they graduated together and now they are wining the Nobel Prize together. How special is this?

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Steve Jobs made more than 4.5 millions of mentions in the social networks in less than 12 hours.

The death of the co-founder of Apple Steve Jobs, in the last Wednesday night (10/6) made a commotion in the internet users and made 4.5 million mentions, with the exactly mention of “Steve Jobs” in the first 12 hours of the announcement of his death.
In the first minutes after Apple has informed about the death of Steve Jobs, the internet was invaded with thanks from all type of person all over the world. The tag #iSad already passed 62 thousand of mentions and the expressions #iThankYou, #iThankYouSteve,  #ThankYouStev passed 300 thousand post on Twitter.
The Barack Obama announcement also makes a big commotion and attracted a lot of comment on Twitter and obtained more than 10 thousand replies. “He transformed our lives, redefined entire industries, and achieved one of the rarest feats in human history: he changed the way each of us sees the world”.
On Facebook who attract more attention with the comment was Mark Zuckerberg, that reached the amazing number of 289.172 ‘liked’ and it was shared by 21.305 users.  “Steve, thank you for being a mentor and a friend. Thanks for showing that what you build can change the world. I will miss you.”

My opinion about the story.
I think that type of commotion with the death of one of the founder’s of Apple was more than expect. We can actually say that Steve Jobs changed the world and reinvented the way that people think and do their work.  He also have a impact in our childhood when he worked with the Pixar studios changed the film industry forever.We will certainly miss him and all his inventions.  The only thing that we can do now, is exactly what this internet users are doing, find a way to thanks this extraordinary man for all he have done for us