Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Washington monument closed indefinitely.

The Washington monument is closed after one of the biggest earthquake of the century in the USA.  The earthquake with a magnitude of 5.8 that reached the East coast of the United States made some damages in the city.
The Earthquake happened at the 1:51 pm. on Tuesday (08/23) near the city of Mineral, Virginia.
Besides the pieces of the monument that collapsed, a structural engineer said that the monument probably had thorough damages and it won`t opened again until they fix all the problems.
The Washington monument wasn’t the only one who had problems after the earthquake. The Washington National Cathedral was also closed because of damages, including some cracks and broken pinnacles. However most of the federals buildings and monuments in Washington re-opened after Tuesday afternoon.
The earthquake didn’t bring majors damages, but he scared a lot of people. They had to evacuate a lot of places, and because of the earthquake they had to stop an operation in Virginia at the Nuclear power plant.
The earthquake also put more 12 nuclear facilities on alert; however those alerts were easily cancelled.
They haven’t had an earthquake in Virginia with this magnitude since 1897.
My opinion about the story:
The Story is very interesting for me because is relate to something that is happen in our country, and a lot of people sad that they actually could feel the earthquake here in Georgia, I don`t know how much of this is true but It was something that really call the attention around the country.
It was a very unusually event here in the USA, but we could see that the country is very ready if something like that happens in a major density.
I just hope that nothing like that happens again, but I know it will, so I`m glad that I have confidence in this country to protect me of an event like this.

Sources: CNN News, Gizmodo and CBS News